Coronavirus: Creativity,...kindness and canals offer Hope amid Outbreak..

Coronavirus: Creativity, kindness and canals offer hope amid outbreak...

We appreciate that these are dark times for people around the world, as the coronavirus continues to spread.Numbers of infections and fatalities are rising, cities and even countries are shutting and many people are being forced into isolation. But amid all the worrying news, there have also been reasons to find hope......

1. Pollution drops.

As countries go into lockdown over the virus, there have been significant drops in pollution levels........

Both China and northern Italy have recorded major falls in nitrogen dioxide - a serious air pollutant and powerful warming chemical - amid reduced industrial activity and car journeys.......
Researchers in New York also told the BBC that early results showed carbon monoxide, mainly from cars, had been reduced by nearly 50% compared with last Year.....
And with airlines cancelling flights en masse and millions working from home, countries around the world are expected to follow this downward path.

2. Canals go clear.

On a similar note, residents of Venice have noticed a vast improvement in the water quality of the famous canals running through the city.
The streets of the popular tourist destination in northern Italy have emptied amid the outbreak leading to a drastic drop in water traffic, which has allowed sediment to settle.....
