...How did the Islamabad couple get married in the wake of the Corona virus epidemic?...

How did the Islamabad couple get married in the wake of the Corona virus epidemic?..
(Our wedding was scheduled on March 15 and 16,) and like everyone else, I and my family were looking forward to it as we had been preparing for it for several months. But my friends who came home for the funeral rituals on Friday told me that the government has banned all gatherings, including wedding ceremonies, from three weeks ago to prevent the spread of the Corona virus. . ..
Engineer Mohammad Rehan, 31, lives in Australia and came to Islamabad for amonth's leave for his wedding....
According to Rehan, when he left Australia, he was only worried about getting the Corona virus during his travels but he did not even think that the situation would get so bad that his marriage would be Affected..........
