Punjab, Sindh, ..Balochistan seeks Pak Army's Assistance to control Coronavirus Spread...

Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan seeks Pak Army's assistance to control Coronavirus spread
KARACHI – In order to control the deadly coronavirus epidemic the Balochistan and Sindh governments have sought assistance of Pakistan Army On Sunday....
According to media details, Balochistan government has written a letter for giving civil authority to the army under Article 245 in order to limit and counter the spread of the novel coronavirus.....
On the other hand, the Sindh government has requested the federation to send army soldiers for the help of civil administration under Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) in imposing Lockdown.....
Meanwhile, .....Chief Minister of Punjab (CM) has also decided to contact Pakistan Army for assistance and vowed to use all the resources for saving the lives of people from coronavirus.
It is pertinent to be mentioned here that the coronavirus cases in Pakistan have mounted up to 629 after Sindh reported 292 patients, 104 in Balochistan, 137 in Punjab, 31 in KP, 55 in GB, 10 in Islamabad and one tested positive for the epidemic in Azad Kashmir.. .
